Technology Will Help Raise Human Consciousness

Third Eye Kingdom
4 min readOct 1, 2022


Since the dawn of time, humans have used tools to help ease life’s difficulties and essentially further the human species. It started with the advent of fire and tools carved from stone, which helped our ancestors cook nutrient dense-food, develop larger brains so we could become better problem solvers, and build sophisticated infrastructure to protect us from the harsh being of Mother Nature.

Fast forward to 200,000 years later, these tools have evolved into these non-physical supercomputers. Supercomputers which are governed by this meta-physical plane called the web. Allowing these supercomputers to have access to the vast array of information on the web while also being limitless in their capacity to intake and process information. This will be the most intelligent entity that humans have ever come in contact with or created and far more advanced than what the human mind can conceive of.

As a result, this advanced learning computer algorithm, will have the potential to automate any task you can think of; it will be able to do it all and possibly even better, from self-driven cars to creating works of art to composing musical masterpieces, to solving complicated abstract math problems. The list goes on.

I can only hope this will help revolutionize how we create and interact with these god-like tools. I believe creative fields will advance in ways we have never seen before. For example the field of architecture, AI technology will have the power to simulate an infinite amount of iterations of how a city should be designed and built to its optimal potential, enabling some beautiful infrastructure to be created and experienced in the coming years. The power of AI technology is limitless; this unseen showcase of super-level intelligence from these supercomputers is exciting to some and frightening to many.

As we continue to navigate in this field of unknown territory, we know one thing is sure: change is inevitable; technology will always continue to advance, and as technology advances, all aspects of the human lifestyle will as well. In fact, in these next five years, I believe we will witness such a rapid increase of innovation on the digital forefront we can’t even fathom imagining. Many jobs and careers will be eliminated, but at the same time, many jobs and careers will be created and, most presumably, better jobs that suit the human soul.

We are living in a time where we are witnessing the most powerful tools available to the human species and the most transformative tool since the invention of fire. It is up to us how we use this technology. With that being said, with great power comes great responsibility.

There is this miscommunication and post-apocalyptic view of what innovative technology can be, specifically artificial intelligence technology. Although this is a real fear, it may be an uninformed and pessimistic way of viewing advanced technology. Technically speaking, from a historical perspective, if we chart innovation with the advancement of human tools, whether fire, agriculture, modern medicine, or whatever it may be, we usually tend to see human material suffering decrease and the overall population of wealth increase. Of course, that’s not to say technological innovation is all good; we’ve seen nuclear power being used as hydrogen bombs when this same technology can be used for clean energy. Yet, the difficulties of petty politics, regulations, and human relationships make it difficult to just use the technology for what it was built to be.

Just imagine if we can work as a collective species and accept innovation; imagine all the unnecessary suffering we will be able to eliminate. The world we will be able to live in, where robots do all the soul-crushing jobs while we humans return to the arts, sciences, and spiritual practices. Where the hierarchy of needs is fulfilled, and our next goal is to focus on enlightenment rather than having to worry about putting food on our table. This is the power of advanced technology; the initial aim of technology is to ease human suffering.

If we harness the infinite potential of what technology has to offer, will this lead to the next spiritual renaissance?

Written by: Kid With Visions



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